The ESA-SRB has a longstanding relationship with ASN for over 18 years. Trust, knowledge and innovation are the key cornerstones of rapport between ASN and ESA-SRB. The joint meeting regularly combines with other societies (international and national) which involves a high level of complexity and collaboration which ASN has showcased in the many years associated with the societies.
Every year represents new challenges for ASN with changes in venues, committees and partner organisations. ASN implements milestone planning for each step of the project management process to ensure a seamless transition of information sharing, delivery and post-conference reporting.

The Brief
ASN Events has been working with the Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA) and Society for Reproductive Biology (SRB) since 2001. Their annual joint conference is a key calendar event for their field, bringing together around 800 delegates, speakers and industry representatives each year. The conference attracts sponsorship from the pharmaceutical sector as well as scientific research community which all collaborate to showcase their latest research and processes to health care professionals.
The meeting attracts over 400 abstract submissions submitted to multiple organisations with differing categories and presentation preferences. This is also incorporated with the award application process to ensure simplicity and compliance with the submission process and the relevant societies requirements.
There are up to 7 concurrent streams running at any point in time from multiple disciplines including conjoint sessions between the two organisations. The AV and room requirements are all managed in great detail by the experienced ASN staff and presented in one easy-to-read document.
In 2019, the ESA-SRB was meeting held in conjunction with AOTA (Asia and Oceania Thyroid Association) at the International Convention Centre, Sydney for a 4-day meeting. Over 800 attendees were expected with an increase in abstract submissions, collaborative sessions and additional sponsorship management.
Key Client Goals
Generate a small surplus for the meeting
Encourage scientific exchange between different societies
Receive latest information from the Industry through exhibition and workshops
Continue to foster relationship between both societies and their members
“They are efficient and it was easy to arrange registration and details about the conference facilities, as well as the provision of materials on site including online resources. They are also professional and friendly, as well as very responsive. The team are all very good to deal with and I like engaging with them all. They have a good working unit”
A/Prof Roderick Clifton-Bligh, AOTA Program Chair
Making it Happen
At the conclusion of every Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) ASN hosts a feedback meeting with the societies to ascertain what worked that year and the improvements/innovations which can be implemented for the next event. ASN also meets with the sponsors and exhibitors to determine the interaction they received at the meeting and offer strategies and insight for the future.
ASN also surveyed all participants at the conclusion of the previous ASM. The collated feedback from the 2018 event gave us valuable insights for 2019 which led to increased delegate engagement and attendance.
ASN then liaised with the Local and Program Organising Committees and provided a framework & timeline for the 2019 event. The framework consisted of sponsorship generation strategies, marketing plans, speaker liaison and budget management.
One of the challenging aspects of the meeting was the inclusion of AOTA who have a significant membership database. They are based in Asia (which made attracting their members to Australia particularly challenging). ASN designed a strategy to encourage many of them to attend by translating email campaigns into foreign languages, offering travel grants and providing low-budget accommodation options for attendees.
The ICC was hosting several events at the same time as the ESA-SRB-AOTA meeting. This provided several challenges for ASN, such as placement of the registration desk to ensure it didn’t impact on the other events whilst still complying with the ICC’s restrictions. ASN implemented a registration thoroughfare which not only complied with all restrictions and concurrent events but also included an innovative eco-friendly registration system which registered onsite attendees in record time.
The Outcome
The physical attendance at the meeting was a record for the ESA-SRB with a 25% increase in delegates.
The Sponsorship target was exceeded by 15% in 2019.
All societies generated a healthy surplus from the meeting.
Post Conference Survey results indicated that conjoint sessions were extremely well received and attended.
Sponsors indicated this was the best meeting they have ever attended in terms of interaction with delegates.
“I've been dealing with them for a number of years and it's always been a good experience with ASN. I think everyone there has been very easy to deal with and really helpful with anything in that realm. They're incredibly well organised and from my point of view, there is nothing to complain about when I think of ASN and the work they do for us”